• ECI Software Solutions Comment: Q4 2023

    Given the current employment shortage crisis in the building materials supply sector, there is a growing need to give tradespeople the power to self-serve. With a shortage of skills and… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Keylite Comment: Q4 2023

    Our Technical teams have been studying the newly released Future Homes Standard consultation document, which states that roof windows must achieve a U Value of 1.2 W/m2K, significantly lower than… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Dulux Comment: Q4 2023

    At the end of 2023 the trade paint market stood at 1.5% growth year-on-year, after mostly flat Q4 volume sales. In contrast, the trade woodcare market attained growth of 9%… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Owlett-Jaton Comment: Q4 2023

    The subdued market conditions seen in Q2 and Q3 have continued through into Q4, with both new construction and RM&I down year-on-year. This has impacted directly on volumes in fasteners… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Heidelberg Materials Comment: Q4 2023

    It was a subdued end of the year for the Cement and Aggregates market, as mild but wet conditions left sales quieter than expected in Q4 and for 2023 as… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Knauf-Insulation Comment: Q4 2023

    Usually, I begin with a word on the numbers. A general view, and a more granular look at some of the data that relates to mineral wool insulation. Merchants don’t… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • British Gypsum Comment: Q4 2023

    A challenging landscape lies ahead in 2024 for our industry once again as the ongoing subdued economic backdrop continues to dent consumer confidence. Operating costs in conjunction with fixed price… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Keystone Comment: Q4 2023

    Reflecting on 2023, the headlines for Q1 reads: ‘The first quarter of 2023 is down on the previous year’; Q2’s reads ‘The second quarter of 2023 delivered no excitement and… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Deceuninck Comment: Q4 2023

    What will happen to the window and door industry in 2024? It’s easy to get depressed by bad news and talk the market down. But if you look there’s also… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024

  • Wienerberger Comment: Q4 2023

    Last year closed with the newbuilding sector still sluggish. Operators in the brick and tile sector remain cautious for 2024 however with interest rates flatlining and inflation reducing  since September,… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 5th March 2024


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