• Owlett-Jaton Comment: Q3 2023

    As expected, the volume downturn seen in the second quarter has continued as the construction and RM&I sectors continue to be sluggish. Reduced manufacturing costs in the Far East, together… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Heidelberg Materials Comment: Q3 2023

    It’s a tough market for aggregates right now and this was reflected in Q3’s subdued performance. Trading was much harder than expected and the seasonal uplift we would normally expect… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Knauf-Insulation Comment: Q3 2023

    Construction confidence has taken a battering of late, with geopolitical instability picking up even as interest rate rises have slowed. Despite this mixed picture, the market outlook for insulation remains… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • British Gypsum Comment: Q3 2023

    We experienced lower sales volumes during Q3 compared to the same period last year as we continue to see construction activity weaken in two of the largest construction sectors: private… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Keystone Comment: Q3 2023

    The third quarter of 2023 has offered no optimism from the continued slide in volumes from the same time last year. As reported earlier in the year, 2022 was certainly… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Deceuninck Comment: Q3 2023

    Sustainability will define the UK window and door industry in the next decade. But ‘doing’ is a lot harder than discussing, or sprinkling the words sustainability and net zero throughout… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Wienerberger Comment: Q3 2023

    The construction industry faces difficulties navigating a complex landscape, but there are glimmers of hope, illustrating the sector’s adaptability and resilience. Within construction, private housing is anticipated to be most… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Bostik Comment: Q3 2023

    In Q3, as with Q2, we saw a fall in demand for private housing largely due to the increase in mortgage rates. Private housing is the largest sector of the… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • Pavestone Comment: Q3 2023

    Quarter 3 saw a gradual slowdown in paving sales compared to Q2. Fortunately, this was not as steep as the quarter-on-quarter drop off seen in Q3 last year. The tail… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

  • West Fraser Comment: Q3 2023

    The construction industry is no stranger to economic fluctuations and environmental concerns, however what we are currently seeing is clearly worse than the normal fluctuations. Inflation is a critical economic… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 29th November 2023

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