• Owlett-Jaton Comment: Q4 2022

    The introduction of the UK’s own UKCA mark has continued to be a vexed issue for fasteners and fixings. Along with other building products, they fall under the Construction Products… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Knauf Insulation Comment: Q4 2022

    At the risk of being a stereotypical Brit, I want to talk about the weather. What can the mercury tell us about demand for mineral wool insulation? As I write,… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Keystone Comment: Q4 2022

    The fourth quarter of 2022 continued to decline in volumes. Last year was certainly a game of two halves with the second half average around 20% lower than the first…. Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Keylite Comment: Q4 2022

    As 2022 drew to a close and we reflected on the year that was, we were reminded of the uncertainty our sector faced. After Brexit, then Covid, we could be… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Hanson Comment: Q4 2022

    Quarter 4 recorded dampening demand, with the RMI market suffering more than most as concerns over energy prices, interest rates and inflation continued to dent consumer confidence. These underlying issues… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • ECI Software Solutions Comment: Q4 2022

    As customers, we’ve grown to expect a certain level of flexibility and adaptability from brands. Whether that’s flexibility around regular payment dates for things such as utility bills or the… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Dulux Trade Comment: Q4 2022

    The year ended on a positive note with sales of Trade Paint being up for the 3rd consecutive month and by 1.3% compared to December 2021. Still, despite a buoyant… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • The Crystal Group Comment: Q4 2022

    October and November are traditionally busy months for fenestration as customers push to get projects completed before Christmas, but for many suppliers Q4 sales were lacklustre as the cooling off… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • British Gypsum Comment: Q4 2022

    Despite some uncertainties, Q4 volumes were stable overall, albeit with some purchases driven by considerations of price inflation in January. The UK’s economic outlook remains uncertain, although the predicted high… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

  • Bostik Comment: Q4 2022

    The year came to a close with poor winter weather resulting in reduced levels of construction output. Economists are forecasting that output will continue to fall by almost 5% in… Read more

    Type: Comment |  Posted: 23rd February 2023

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