Polypipe Comment: Q2 2023

Polypipe Building Products, part of Genuit Group, is one of Europe’s largest, most innovative manufacturers of plastic piping systems and low-carbon heating solutions for the residential market. The company specialises in products for domestic properties for new build and RMI markets with over 5,000 products to suit any installation in a range of aesthetics. Over its 40-year existence, Polypipe has grown from a small plastic pipe manufacturer based in Doncaster to a group of 17 businesses helping the UK construction industry build better and more sustainably.

Genuit sees itself as a thought leader in the future sustainable built environment and provides construction solutions way beyond plastic pipes and fittings, ranging from MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) and SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) systems to magnetic filters and anti-corrosion chemicals. Our goal is to innovate and improve our products and services to help the UK reach net zero and influence the market to drive towards future best practices and systems.

Recent Part L building regulations updates are the steppingstone to the Future Homes Standard in 2025, and heating homes has become possibly the single biggest challenge facing UK housing developers and housing providers. The next few years will see the most fundamental change in heating domestic properties since gas boilers and steel radiators in the late 1970’s and 80’s. Gas is being phased out and heat pumps promoted by the government as a more sustainable electric heat source. This presents opportunities for new and different heating solutions such as Underfloor Heating.

The focus on decarbonisation is leading to a much higher level of insulation in new build homes. But this challenge to heat homes quickly is also a challenge to keep homes cool, particularly with record summer temperatures being broken regularly and expectations that it will get hotter. For this reason, heating and cooling must be considered together to provide truly better homes for the future.

We’re therefore joining the panel of BMBI Experts to focus on heating and cooling while we work together as an industry to provide solutions to this challenge. Genuit has complete, ready-made heating and cooling solutions for homes, and we will continue to invest in renewable technologies to drive sustainable living.

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