Bostik is new BMBI Expert for Adhesives & Sealants

Bostik, a leading global adhesive specialist in construction, consumer and industrial markets, joined the Builders Merchant Building Index (BMBI) Expert Panel in August. Marketing Director Mathew Whitehouse speaks for the adhesives & sealant market.
With annual sales of €2 billion, Bostik is one of the largest adhesives and sealant companies in the world with a product range designed to meet the highest standards of quality and innovation. Mathew has three decades of experience in the adhesives industry and has been the UK Marketing Director for Bostik since 2017. He brings a wealth of experience and business acumen to the BMBI panel. Each Expert speaks exclusively for its market, commenting on issues, trends and opportunities.
The BMBI, a brand of the Builders Merchant Federation (BMF), is a monthly index of builders’ merchant sales, with summary reports published each month and more in-depth reports, including Expert comments and analysis, every quarter. Developed and produced by MRA Research, the Index is the most reliable, up-to-date measure of the UK’s Repair, Maintenance and Improvement (RMI) market. The reports and data are based on GfK’s definitive Builders Merchant Point of Sale Tracking Data, which analyses sales out data from over 80% of generalist builders’ merchants’ sales across Great Britain.
BMBI is widely used and referenced in construction, and more widely by economists, investment companies, advisors, the media and Government. The panel of 15 leading brands are an integral part of the Index.
MRA Research CEO Mike Rigby comments: “We’re delighted to welcome Bostik representing Adhesives & Sealants. BMBI fills an important gap in the UK’s construction statistics with the quarterly reports including expert analysis of market trends and issues. The BMBI Experts who comment are leading voices in their sectors, speaking for their markets. The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) includes BMBI reports in its Monthly Construction Update alongside the ONS, Bank of England and IHS Markit reports.”
Bostik UK Marketing Director Mathew Whitehouse adds: “There’s no doubt that BMBI platform provides fantastic insight into the construction sector and joining the Expert panel is recognition of our position in the market. We look forward to sharing insights into the adhesives and sealants market as well as contributing to the BMBI debates”.
Mathews’s first comment is published in the Q2 2021 report, available to download here. For all other reports, Expert commentary, or round table debate videos, visit