Steve Durdant-Hollamby: It’s business as usual for AWMS following Brexit.

Steve Durdant-Hollamby, Managing Director of Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS) is BMBI’s Expert for Civils, Metal Rainwater & Drainage:
We can’t turn back the clock. The decision is made. We need to move forward and seek new opportunities.
Was the country heading for recession anyway? Will the Bank of England’s action soften the landing? It’s difficult to calculate the impact of uncertainty and turmoil. Weaker sterling will increase raw material prices, but we will see growth in exports.
It’s almost impossible to factor in the effects of knee-jerk decisions, panic or delayed reaction among politicians and investors spooked by the media.
EU ‘migrants’ make up 25% of our work force. It’s important that migrants already here know there are no plans to change their status. Britain values their contribution.
We transformed our own business several times this half century, and saw through the 2008 financial crisis and other economic upheavals. Equally, robustly we’ll see this through. We are highly focused and strong. It’s business as usual.