Leading Lights – Builders’ Merchants News

  The recent Leading Lights supplement published by Builders Merchants News opens with an exclusive survey by MRA Research. Telephone interviews were conducted with 100 builders’ and plumbers’ merchants for… Read more

BMF One Voice – Summer Column

Builders’ Merchants’ Q1 sales hit by Coronavirus restrictions Builders’ Merchants’ sales in the first quarter of 2020 were knocked by the COVID-19 pandemic and Government measures to contain the virus…. Read more

Subdued February – before COVID-19 hit

Having endured three and a half years of Brexit turmoil, the country now faces a far bigger challenge and greater uncertainty. The BMBI February report pre-dated social distancing (which started… Read more

Subdued start to 2020

At the time of gathering the data for this report, our sector had yet to experience the more widespread scale and impact of the Covid-19 crisis we are seeing today…. Read more


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